To Know Him and Make Him Known

Sermons by Pastor Toby Locke (Page 25)

I joined the staff as lead pastor at First Baptist in March 2017 after nine years of ministry in Racine, Wisconsin as an associate pastor.  I grew up as the child of missionaries in South America, where I got to live among and learn from the beautiful people of Bolivia and Chile.  After high school I attended Baptist Bible College of PA (now Clarks Summit University) and graduated at long last in 1998 with a Pastoral Ministries degree.  After completing a two-year short term missionary assignment in Chile, I returned to Baptist Bible Seminary for my Master of Divinity, which God graciously enabled me to complete in 2007.  From there it was off to Rochester, New York for a year-long internship at North Baptist Church (now Northridge Church) before jumping into full-time vocational ministry at Fellowship Baptist Church in Racine in the fall of 2007.

ROGUE MESSIAH: A Talk With Jesus

The people who talked to Jesus got to see His heart on display and learn things about Him that otherwise they wouldn’t have known. A conversation Jesus had with a woman at a well in Samaria illustrates this point and shows us what we can expect to learn about Jesus when we engage Him in…