To Know Him and Make Him Known


Blessing the Blesser

We’ve spent a lot of time in this series thinking about how to live a life that God will bless, but when was the last time you thought about blessing God? Join us this morning as we turn the theme of “blessing” on its head and contemplate how to pour blessings on our God.

An Ode to Family

We all instinctively understand that building a godly family is really important, but few things are more difficult to do. Solomon understood this conundrum and wrote a worship song about it. Join us this morning as we take a look at Solomon’s advice on how to build a godly family.

A Man Worth Remembering

Every man desires at his core to live a life significant enough to deserve to be remembered. The psalmist who penned Psalm 112 reminds us that such a life is possible, if a man makes intentional decisions to make it so with God’s direction and help. Join us this morning as we explore what it…

Who Will You Trust?

Because we are frail humans, we all need to depend on someone or something to survive. We can choose to depend on human sources of sustenance, but they can’t deliver because they won’t last. Or we can choose to depend on God, our strong, faithful, compassionate King – who always keeps His promises to us.