We’ve looked at what Christmas meant for Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary. But what did the first Christmas mean for Jesus? Join us today as we look at the Incarnation from the perspective of the coming Savior.
We’ve looked at what Christmas meant for Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary. But what did the first Christmas mean for Jesus? Join us today as we look at the Incarnation from the perspective of the coming Savior.
God makes us His children by His grace, it’s completely free! This incredibly good news does NOT mean, however, that being God’s child doesn’t require anything from us. Join us today as we explore two assignments that God has given us as His children to complete.
Before we can effectively reach lost people we need to prepare ourselves by directly engaging the lost people around us, learning to look beneath the surface to see their needs, and opening our hearts to be moved by what we see, just as Jesus did.
Sermon Summary: Before we can end our study of Philippians and move on, we have to grapple with the final challenges that Paul gives us – we need to live our lives to give all the glory to God, we need to reach out to one another with warm welcomes and affection, and we need…
Paul was thrilled to see the generosity in his friends at Philippi because their generous gifts strengthened his relationship with them and produced eternal results. Even more than that, Paul was excited because he understood that their gifts to him were actually expressions of worship to God that proved how much they trusted God to…
Sermon Summary: It may sound like a cliché, but Paul was convinced that Jesus was literally all that he needed. His only “need” was to honor Jesus with his body, no matter what circumstance he found himself in, and he always found Jesus empowering him to do exactly that. Because of this he always claimed…
If we ever want to think “right-side up,” then we’re going to have to come up with a plan to get there. Paul helps us by demanding that we take ownership of our thoughts, decide who we want to be like, and then imitate these role models. As we do those things, we know that…