God could snap His fingers and make us do whatever He wants, but instead He extends invitations to us and gives us the freedom to accept them or reject them. Join us this morning as we explore an invitation that God extended to Israel in Isaiah’s day, an invitation that is also open to us…
Isaiah has repeatedly made the point in his prophecies that our God is truly great and one-of-a-kind, but has spent less time on how we ought to respond to this great God. Join us today as we explore Isaiah’s suggestion of the best ways to respond to a God who is THIS great.
Most of the information Isaiah gave about the Messiah presents him as a triumphant, conquering figure. One passage, though, shares what amounts to the “fine print” – that first the Messiah would have to suffer and die to cancel the sin-debt of God’s people. Join us this morning as we look closely at these surprising…
Everyone familiar with the Christmas story in the gospel of Luke remembers the angelic announcement that Jesus’s birth signaled the arrival of peace to humanity. Fewer people realize that this is rooted in the prophet Isaiah’s description of the Messiah as the “Prince of Peace.” Join us this morning as we explore how Jesus fulfilled…
Christmas is often described as the arrival of light into a world under the domination of darkness. Many Christians think this idea originated in John 1, but the prophet Isaiah actually beat John to the punch by about 700 years. Join us this morning as we explore Isaiah’s exposition of the arrival of Messiah as…
Have you ever noticed how much danger Jesus faced in his life, even though the prophet Isaiah called the Messiah the “Prince of Peace”? The reason that Jesus was such a threat to the corrupt powers of his day is that everyone knew the Messiah’s main job was to establish justice in the earth. Join…
It is easy for us to imagine God as being so highly exalted over us that He is emotionally disconnected from us, maybe even disinterested in us and our plight. However, this is not at all the way Isaiah pictures God. Join us this morning as we look deeply into the heart of our God…